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Hi, Mark here,

Born in 1983 I grew up with the arising of electronics and computers... and K.I.T.T. of course.

Thinking back, things were decided at age 5. I couldn't kept myself from taking devices apart which was "painful" (i.e. expensive) for my parents - and for myself, litterally: i got twice an electric shock. Hello Electroboom, your unknown padawan is here!

Nevertheless I ended up studying electrical engineering.
Developing electronics and software is my passion.



Technicien Supérieur en électronique (BTS EN), Toulouse, France.
Electrical Engineering B.Sc., Furtwangen University, Germany.


Work experience

It actually started while I was a teenager in the late 90s at a local little engineering office.
For quite some years I did
THT and SMD production and, with growing knowledge, debugging and repair.

The big start was 2010 after my studies as FPGA and microcontroller firmware developer.
Developing for medical devices, I had to get an in depth knowledge of FPGAs to be able to achieve the high speed requirements. We used Xilinx FPGAs and its ISE ecosystem.
Alongside I also developed firmware for various 8 and 32 bit microcontroller in C and assembly. Hardware debugging  was also part of my tasks as I brought life into it. This gave me insights and
knowledge in high speed PCB design.

A couple of years later I was in more generic positions, for various fields like musik and biotech industry, designing hardware systems - both
circuit and PCB design using Altium Designer and LT SPICE for simulation - micrcontroller firmware and some repair.





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